One of the world's most formidable witches, Regina is the Dea (ruler) of the Seven Hills Coven based in Rome.
John the Revelator
An insignificant upstart vampire that unwittingly sparks a new war between vampires and witches.
The Prince of Merchants
Notorious psychopomp and merchant of the Underworld. The Prince can deliver many wonders for the right price.
Brigid Sawyer
An ambitious, and very mischievous, shadow witch of the Seven Hills coven.
Madame Fortuna
A beloved gypsy-sage and grey witch. She is the principal trader of metaphysical goods for Covens.
Savannah Grey
Considered by some to be the mother of modern witches. It is her daily blessing that provides magical energy to the players of Covens.
Games: Covens and Vampire Tribunals
Key Characters of Season One: 2019 Summer Tournament of Witchcraft
Hello, Influencers :)
Raincrow Studios provides a unique opportunity for brand exposure in the game space. You, or your likeness (in some cases, your art), can play meaningful roles within our games. Or, in more traditional roles externally.
In most of our games, every season represents a new tournament, with new roles for major and minor characters within the game. In short, you can play a role in the episodic storytelling of Covens, Vampire Tribunals, Drudge and Sons of Enoch.